HR Opinion

Challenging thinking from HR leaders.

Latest HR Opinion Features

diverse identity design

Inclusion Means Everyone – why DEI must be everyone’s business

The Employers Network for Equality & Inclusion (enei) CEO, Sandi Wassmer gives her view on how and why DEI needs to be part of business culture.
definition of racism

Racism & Riots: The HR Response

Dr Naeema Pasha, author and speaker, discusses how HR should react to the racism and Islamophobia that fuelled riots in the UK.
students protest in bangladesh, background design with flag and people protesting. bangladesh protest concept backdrop

A Time For Passion

In the context of national events, now is not the time for stoicism, it’s a time for passion says Cat Wildman, Founder, Powered by Diversity.
close up older female doctor working in clinic office.

Death of the UK Sick Note 

Michael Doolin, CEO of Clover HR and former HR director for brands including PwC, DPD and BA discusses what the end of 'sick note culture' could mean for employers

The Rise of Non-HR CHROs

Adrian Tan, HR Influencer, says HR leadership is gaining attention from other professionals - and here's why that's good news for HR specialists.

The AI Feast

Sue Turner, Founder and Director of AI Governance asks if now is the right time for HR to feast on AI technology.
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The Rewards Revolution

Author and speaker Dr Naeema Pasha encourages organisations to rethink recognition in the Post-Pandemic Workplace.
diversity inclusion and equality concept paper people silhouettes on hands

All that Glitters is not Gold

Jo Major, Founder of Diversity in Recruitment & Co-Founder of Inclusive Recruitment Foundations, DEI Training for Recruiters and Hiring Managers warns organisations to look deeper when it comes to DE&I credentials.

Swinging The Lead?

Sir Cary L. Cooper, 50th Anniversary Professor of Organizational Psychology and Health at the ALLIANCE Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, examines the state of mental ill health absence.

From HR to CEO

Adrian Tan, HR Influencer, asks why you never hear about HR chiefs becoming CEOs?

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Assembling and getting the most from a Multi-Generational Workforce

The workforce of every business is increasingly age diverse. There are all kinds of pressures and reasons for so many generations to be looking for work, and companies need to understand how to manage them within the context of a more diverse workforce generally. Join us to discuss this crucial factor in the future of work
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