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In conversation with Dr Luke Fletcher: Transgender and LGBT+ inclusion in the workplace

29 June 2022


Story by
Johnny Swierczynski Guest Author

To mark Pride month, our reporter Johnny Swierczynski spoke to Dr Luke Fletcher, an Associate Professor in Human Resource Management at the University of Bath’s School of Management, whose latest research focuses on LGBT+ people.

Before we dive into the article, it’s important to note that Dr Fletcher is a cisgender gay man. Throughout the article, we discuss aspects of HR practice specifically relating to transgender employees. Whilst some policies have broader benefits for all staff, this article aims to highlight some of the work that can help transgender people feel more included as he believes is an area of HR that currently lacks emphasis. Whilst Dr Luke Fletcher is an ally to the trans community, he can only speak on these matters based on his research, rather than his own lived experiences.

JS: Can we start by mapping out the current challenges faced by LGBT+ people in the workplace?

LF: They are more likely to experience workplace conflict and harassment than their heterosexual, cisgender co-workers and there are also key challenges around authenticity and disclosure. Whilst heterosexual cisgender people tend to feel comfortable discussing their partners and children with their work friends, it may not feel so comfortable for many of their LGBT+ counterparts. Something as simple as a group of colleagues having an informal chat about their personal lives can be challenging.

JS: And what impact does that have on LGBT+ employees?

LF: It creates a lot of emotional labour for them. ‘Coming out of the closet’ is often talked about, but the reality is that for LGBT+ people they have to come out multiple times when meeting new people because of the assumption that people are heterosexual and cisgender. If a transgender person is going through the start of their transitionary journey for instance, they often begin by telling their manager and colleagues that they want to use different gender pronouns and that can create significant stress and anxiety for them.

JS: So what can HR professionals do to better support trans employees? 

LF: It’s about small but important changes that signal and foster inclusivity like encouraging staff to include their pronouns in their email signature. Importantly, inclusive practices generally tend to benefit all staff, rather than just a minority because they create an accepting environment in which people feel they can thrive authentically.

JS: What about employees that don’t want to come out in their work environment?

LF: These decisions are hugely personal so HRDs should take the time to create an environment which allows people to feel safe to make decisions that work for them in regards to their identity. Put simply, one size doesn’t fit all. That’s why it is so important for HRDs to create that environment where LGBT+ staff (and all staff) can thrive and be who they want to be at work, rather than applying a blanket approach.

JS: What can HRDs and their organisations do to create a safe environment for LGBT+ staff

LF: There’s plenty that businesses can do but this doesn’t only apply to large organisations. It’s important for smaller firms to create an inclusive environment even if they don’t think there’s any members of staff that are LGBT+. The problem at the moment is also that in some organisations the rhetoric doesn’t live up to the reality. It’s important to set the key structural foundations first and then do the marketing.



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