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Podcast Ep. 4 – Reward and Recognition is that the best you can do?

01 May 2024 Podcast

The challenge of attracting and retaining staff has made the area of reward and recognition a tricky one for HR. On the one hand the rewards offered to employees need to be attractive against the backdrop of the competition, however this is also a prime tool for HR to motivate their staff and even create and support the appropriate culture of an organisation.

In this month’s HR World podcast entitled ‘Reward and Recognition – is that the best you can do?’, Sharath Jeevan, Founder and Executive Chairman of Intrinsic Labs and Cindy Rubbens, Chief People Experience Officer at global chauffeur company Blacklane gave a thorough insight into current thinking behind reward and recognition and how HR can make the benefits they offer employees go the extra mile and truly deliver.



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